About Us

Working together to make a difference

We are lucky to live in a beautiful leafy suburb, with a vibrant, diverse community. There are always challenges to living in an older suburb and a complex, growing city. In order to keep our suburb healthy and green and sustainable and a happy place to call our home, residents need to be active citizens and work together to build a sense of community, improve what needs improving and deal with the problems that we face as a suburb.

Some of these issues include our ageing and often inadequate power and water infrastructure, illegal building, litter and environmental protection, traffic, noise, and security concerns and finding a balance between the need for ongoing development and the rights of residents.

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The GRA is a not for profit association representing the residents of Greenside in matters concerning our suburb. The GRA committee is made up of Greenside residents, all volunteers, who would like to participate actively in improving things for the community as a whole.

Prior to 2018 the GRA suffered as the committee was very small and membership of the Association declined. Following a special General meeting in November 2018 a large and enthusiastic interim committee was constituted of volunteers from the community.

What does the GRA focus on? 

The GRA has 7 sub-committees tasked with implementing specific projects and initiatives to improve and protect our suburb.

  • Greening: the greening sub-committee is committed to improving the green spaces in and around the suburb. Greening’s flagship project is the Green Crew, a team of three who work twice week cleaning up the suburb by cutting the grass and clearing overgrown vegetation on pavements, in parks and road reserves, clearing litter, maintaining park playground equipment, and assisting with pavement reinstatements. In addition the Greening committee run a sidewalk competition and have arranged educational talks and walkabouts. 
  • Heritage: the heritage sub-committee is committed to protecting and preserving the unique heritage aspects of our suburb. Primarily the committee works with residents to ensure that any renovations are done sensitively and follow key heritage considerations. If the property is older than 60 years (as most Greenside properties are), then in order for the city to approve any building plans, they require Heritage approval. So if you are considering any structural alterations to a property you must obtain approval from the Greenside Heritage Sub-Committee. 
  • Finance: the finance sub-committee works to ensure that teh GRA is financially sustainable and that all funds are used in a responsible and transparent manner.
  • Planning and Compliance: Part of the mandate of the GRA is to protect the rights and amenity of residents of Greenside. We aim to promote Greenside, as per our precinct plan and the Regional Spatial Development Framework, as a residential suburb with a green, “leafy” character, and to protect the core residential area by ensuring that the existing neighbourhood business node (along parts of Gleneagles and Greenway roads) is contained. We engage on critical planning and compliance issues to protect our suburb. 
  • Security: The security portfolio of the GRA aims to connect the community around issues pertaining to security. A connected and informed community is simply stronger than one that is not. The Security sub-committee engages with security providers on flaship projects like the protection of electrical infrastructure in the suburb and ensures the suburb is represented on the Community Policing Forum. 
  • Infrastructure: this relatively new sub-committee has been established to map and monitor the state of all key water, road and electrical infrasctrucure in the suburb. In the future the sub-committee will log all infrastructure repairs and monitor the implementation of these repairs to ensure they are completed to a high standard to prevent recurrent service delivery failures.
  • Communications and Marketing: this sub-committee is tasked with keeping residents and businesses abreast of projects, initiatives and work that the GRA has undertaken. This portfolio is also tasked with updating residents on important matters including water and power outages. 

Our current focus is to build our capacity by increasing membership, raising funds (via the annual subscriptions) to initiate community improvement projects and to restore effective communication between the Association and residents.

The benefit of belonging to a Residents’ Association is immeasurable. By working collectively to represent the interests of the suburb, we can do a great deal to present a united voice on issues of concern, liaise with local business, relevant city and law enforcement agencies, protect the suburb from predatory development and illegal land uses, enhance environmental wellbeing and build a greater sense of community.