23 July 2024 : Update of the illegal occupation of the Parkhurst Bowls and Soccer Club

Issued by the Bowls Club Action Group consisting of members of the GRA, PRABOA, PARKVIEW CPF, and SOS

A meeting finally took place at the Old Parkhurst Bowling Club with Ward 117 councillor Tim Truluck, Mike Rosholt (PRABOA and SOS representative), The Joburg Property Company (JPC) and the tender award winner, Genzenix, on 11 July 2024. A number of Genzenix sub-contractors were also present.

A 30,000 square meters mixed use development is planned for the site, incorporating a lifestyle/retail component as well as residential units – with some affordable units provided as per current town planning requirements. Construction is expected to begin within the next 12-18
months. Various subcontractors are in the process of surveying the site so as to firm up the design and costs of the proposed development. Whilst Genzenix, as the winning tenderer are burdened with the costs of the clearing and securing of the site (including temporary Emergency Accommodation), JPC and the City remain ultimately responsible for the site and coordinating the efforts of various city entities to give effect to the obligations of all parties, under current law.

A stakeholders communications committee has been established between the various groups and will be used as the forum to ventilate concerns, get the City to play its part and ensure that Genzenix and the community have a working relationship as the development progresses and various zoning application processes get underway. A law enforcement operation was done on the property last week. We were unaware of the planning or execution of this operation. We welcome law enforcement to act out their mandates as per legislation with no fear or favour. We have implored the JPC, again, and all other relevant City entities to ensure we coordinate any future, similar operations to be sure that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

We are ready to launch an application against the City and the occupiers for, amongst other things, interdictory and mandatory relief relating to the further invasion of the property and its utilisation in contravention of the town planning and environmental legislation. We thought about using the operation of last week as a trigger point, however we ultimately thought that distance between that event and the court will better serve our own interests. This will be launched this week and we will decide a hearing date in consultation with our legal team.

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