Application for Consent for Private Parking 202 and 204 Mowbray Rd (Erf 611 and R/Erf 610 Greenside Ext)

An application has been made to rezone from Residential 1 to Consent for Private Parking – Erven 611 and R/610 Greenside Extension – 202 and 204 Mowbray Rd

Closing date for Objections Thursday 22nd August 2024

The GRA and residents of Mowbray road adjacent to this property have been dealing with the negative impact that this illegal parking lot has created since it was established without any planning permissions. The developer bought and demolished two residential homes adjacent to a large commercial building they developed on Greenway Rd. They claim to be solving a problem of inadequate parking, when in fact they contributed to the parking problem by building a 4 story office block on Greenway without allocating adequate parking as part of their planning.

The very initiation of this illegal parking has been marked by violation of building stop orders, demolishing residential houses with no heritage or council permission, denuding the property of all trees and greenery, not following through on promises and undertakings, and acting in bad faith.

The commercial property owners are habitual transgressors who have previously allowed this illegal parking to be used by the public, including club patrons who have caused immense noise disturbance and destruction to neighbouring residents. In the past this has only been controlled and stopped by the property owners through huge pressure from neighbouring residents.

Records from 2018 from previous owners of neighbouring property note ongoing noise nuisance and transgression from club patrons being allowed to access parking at all hours of day and night. Throughout 2021 and 2022 the commercial property owners allowed the site to be used by the general public, including club patrons, creating immense noise nuisance from public drinking, revving and spinning of cars, music played out of cars for “car boot parties”.

Basis of objection:

We are concerned that approval of this use could lead to the site used as open commercial parking, used at night by drunken revellers. The applicants have a history of  transgressing bylaws and  have made claims about the value of what they have done, but the suburb’s unfortunate experience over the past decade is that they are unreliable and act in bad faith.

The two sites have already been operated illegally as public parking open to the general public for several years and the de facto situation has resulted in a marked deterioration of the neighbourhood in this vicinity. Residents in the past have had to deal with public drinking, noise pollution, drunken behaviour and reckless driving at all hours of the night.

The illegal parking area did not improved the general parking situation in Greenside, but has in fact served to increase parking pressure by facilitating the growth of restaurants and clubs, many operating illegally. This resulted in an overall increase in parking particularly along Mowbray Road (a residential street) on both sides of the road, accompanied by noise and litter and vagrancy, and ultimately necessitated a JRA Road Closure at the northern end of Mowbray Road.

The parking area and associated uses resulted in a loss of residential amenity and decline in property values along Mowbray Road and pressure for further changes of land use to affected properties, resulting in the destabilization of the residential neighbourhood.

The verge on Mowbray rd behind the lot is not maintained by the owners and has become derelict space

The applicants have failed to provide adequate sound and security barriers between the parking and residential neighbours

They have denuded property of trees, grass and other foliage which creates issues with storm water and noise, despite undertaking not to remove trees.

The Greenside Residents’ Association (GRA) will be submitting our objections and concerns and invite individual residents and business owners in the suburb to do so as well. Here are the links to the Motivating memorandum from the applicants agent, and the notice that is up on the site for your information. Objections must be submitted by Thursday 22 August 2024.

If you would like to object you can do so using the Guidance template that can be found here: Template for objections Parking lot consent use

PLEASE 1. add in your own reasons, or make use of the suggestions given in your own words (we do need to provide reasons but they do not have to be fully detailed at this stage) and 2. make sure you have your address, cell phone number and your email address.

Objections MUST be submitted via email to both

and cc to Plan-Enviro :


Please copy GRA in, in your objection and email it to us on

It is your right to object to developments that impact on you and on our suburb so that your voice is heard.

If you need further information please contact the GRA at and we will gladly assist.
Greenside Residents Association


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